I read once with dismay a comment that was posted about one of my books that suggested I was feeling sorry for myself, in fact to be precise they called it self indulgent twaddle. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I was saddened that they saw just what they read and not the bigger picture. We all have our own stories to tell. Some that others can laugh along with, others we may cry too and many that we want or need to relate to. Sometimes just by sharing something it helps someone else realise that they are not alone in feeling that way and even sometimes find a source of comfort. It's really liberating to get your feelings and thoughts down on paper or screen as it is so often now. It helps you to go through the emotions, see what you are addressing and sometimes really admit that these feelings are real. Stories that have shaped you to be the person you are today. The good days and the god damn awful days, weeks, months all play a part and I think it's no bad thing to share these with whoever wants to read them. We are all guilty of scouring the website at some point or social media and magazines hoping to find that nugget of knowledge or something we completely relate to make us a better person, more rounded, more knowledgeable, happier.
So if I want to write about my anxieties, phobias in a light hearted way or more seriously and those dark days that have previously weighed heavily over me, I will - but what I really hope is that someone will see the light within my words to know what they are feeling is OK, that they are not abnormal or weird. That their anxieties are not only justified but that there are answers and ways to make you feel better. And importantly to know that there are genuine people that will listen and not judge. And for those amongst us feeling they are alone and in the dark, they do become lighter. Not every day always but to hold onto hope and to know there is a friend out there that also is probably going through exactly the same and knows how you are feeling. So together let's #share&grow.
1 Comment
31/5/2020 11:57:13 am
It is saddening to know that there are people who don’t appreciate what you have written to the point that they are even going to discourage you. I know that we are indeed entitled to have our opinions regarding some things, but I believe we should be careful in giving them because our words can affect one’s life. As much as possible, we need to think carefully first before speaking and make sure that it will bring blessing to others and not distraction or even pain. I know how hard it is for experiencing such harsh things, but I have to say that I am proud of you because you were able to get up and continue writing again. I will forever make sure to support you with what you are doing no matter what happen.
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